Simple Ways to Improve Your Home’s Air Quality
Air quality is not something people generally think about when cleaning their home, but it has a huge impact on health. There are simple ways to get cleaner air in your home with little to no effort.
Indoor air pollution
Indoor air pollution can be caused by a variety of factors, including chemicals found in synthetic furniture, flooring, and appliances, as well as from excess moisture and unnatural cleaning products. In addition, a lack of airflow can cause pollutant levels to increase.
IAQ and how it’s measured
1AQ (indoor air quality) refers to air quality as it relates to the comfort and health of a building’s occupants. IAQ is measured through an lAQ Sensor that monitors and gives feedback on the level of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) in the space that come from sources such as paints, sprays, cleaners, and furniture.
What health problems can poor air quality produce or enhance?
Poor IAQ can produce a wide array of health issues. Minor issues include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Because many symptoms are similar to a cold or allergies, it’s important to note whether the symptoms are alleviated after leaving the area Long-term effects after exposure for extended periods of time can be respiratory diseases and heart conditions.
What can I do to improve my IAQ?
• Buy air purifying plants
• Invest in high-quality air cleaners
• Improve ventilation systems
• Use natural cleaning products
• Replace chemical-laden paint and furniture