5 Uncommon Sports You Probably Never Tried
So many people say they aren’t into sports, while really referring to one or two they have tried and didn’t enjoy. Before giving up on sports all together, give these uncommon and wild ones a try—you may surprise yourself.
Underwater Hockey
This is a non-contact sport that requires patience and teamwork. The puck is heavy enough where it stays at the bottom of the pool but glides with ease, almost as if you are playing a big game of air hockey. Team work is crucial because everyone has to come up for air at some point–so if one person comes up, another must go down. This sport is played in the US and 20 other countries. There’s even a world championship held every 2 years!
Bathtub Racing
This sport varies depending on what country you are competing in. In the US, one steers a bathtub on land that is filled with at least 2 gallons of water. In other countries, people use the bathtub as a kayak and race across the water. Regardless of the terrain you are competing on, this is definitely a unique sport that not many can say they take part in.
Roller Derby
This intense and contact heavy sport is action packed to watch, and seems just as fun on the track as it is off. To put simply, the objective is for one team member to pass as many opponents as possible on their roller skates around a track. If you are up for the challenge, try joining a local team and give it a shot.
This odd and complex sport occurs with a person inside a large plastic ball, sort of like a giant hamster ball, but for humans. This sport can take place on various surfaces such as grass or even water. Run downhill in your Zorb yourself, or participate in activities with others Zorbers on flat land. The possibilities are endless and are continuing to grow.
Ice Cross Downhill
This extreme winter sport, mimics skiing and snowboarding with its twists, turns, and jumps. The only difference is you are wearing skates. This up and coming sporting event began in 2001, and a championship event is held each year. All are welcomed to enter the race events in the US and beyond.
Sports may be for you more than you think. Look beyond what you see on TV, like soccer or basketball, and try the unknown.