Benefits of Fresh Versus Frozen Fruit
No one really ever teaches you what should be frozen and stored in the freezer. Whether we like to admit it or not, we usually attain that knowledge based on what we saw growing up. It’s sort of passed down and assumed to be true. Especially when it comes to frozen fruit, no one really know whether to freeze fresh fruit or just buy it already frozen.
Freezing my own fruit
Freezing your own fruit can be beneficial for a number of reasons.
- You don’t have to worry about ingesting the preservatives that are put in prepacked and frozen fruits because you are doing it yourself.
- If you freeze the fruit on a baking tray, then bag, you didn’t have to worry about the fruit forming together to make one giant piece of fruit.
- Freezing at peak ripeness is the best way to ensure all the nutrients and vitamins are still intact when you defrost.
Tips for freezing
- Mix with lemon juice or cider vinegar to prevent browning.
- If the fruit has a pit, leave it in to prevent browning.
Downfalls to freezing yourself
- Freezing too early can deplete some of the fruit’s naturally occurring nutrients.
- You will probably spend more money buying fruit fresh.
Buying frozen fruit
Aside from being the cheaper option, there are plenty of other reasons to buy frozen.
- You don’t have to worry about wasting fruit.
- It’s generally cheaper than fresh fruit.
- Fruits will be readily available when you have a craving, even if they are not in season.
- It’s convenient for a busy lifestyle.
The downside
- You have to worry about preservatives and additives.
- After a few months, their nutritional value lessens.
Tips for buying already frozen fruit
- Check ingredients for added sugars and preservatives, and try and find a brand with as little as possible.