Don’t Forget about Eye Health, Too
Your eyes do a lot for you in the span of a single day. They take in information so you can do daily tasks and enjoy seeing the places and people you love. When we think of going to the doctor, we don’t always consider an annual trip to the eye doctor as important. We’re constantly monitoring what we eat and drink to nourish our body and minds, but we seem to our leave eyes out. Caring for your eyes is important, so follow these tips to keep them healthy.
Annual eye exams
Stop squinting
If you notice yourself squinting, it’s time to reevaluate your prescription. Don’t make activities like driving dangerous by not keeping up with your prescription strength. Squinting strains your eye muscles and can make vision worse if not dealt with for prolonged periods of time.
Testing health of the eye
Eye diseases like glaucoma are common and treatable, but in order to stay on top of them you’ll need to get tested during a regular eye exam.
Wearing contacts is convenient and comfortable for most but forgetting to take them out can be dangerous. Not only is it dangerous, but you might end up throwing away the contact, and contacts aren’t always cheap. Leaving a contact in has multiple potential outcomes. Eyes need breaks and fresh oxygen to perform their best, and if a contact is in the way for too long it can’t breathe. The most common problem is irritation and dryness. Eye infections happen frequently if contacts are left in that aren’t approved for overnight wear. One of the more painful and serious consequences is a corneal ulcer that can lead to blindness. So, be sure to ditch the contacts before bed each night.
Similarly to how your skin can burn from harmful UV rays, the eyes can also get damaged, too. When choosing a pair, color of lenses isn’t a huge factor in protection, because the color of the lens only affects how the true color of what you’re seeing is distorted. Look for sunglasses with polarized lenses to reduce glare from bright light. Glasses that say “100 percent UV protection” will provide the best defense against UV rays.
Taking care of dry eye
If you notice yourself rubbing your eyes frequently, or you know that you sit at the computer for long, dry eye might be something to stay on top of. Eye drops are your friend. At any local drugstore, look for eyedrops that have electrolytes like sodium and potassium to heal the surface of your eye and provide hydration.
Removing makeup completely
Wearing makeup is part of some people’s daily routines, but properly removing it should also be a priority. Don’t let eye makeup linger for longer than it should on your eyelid, waterline, and eyelashes. Chemicals in makeup can irritate the eye if left on too long, especially if you have sensitive eyes. In extreme cases, regularly going to bed with mascara on can cause eyelid cysts. It’s best to wipe your eyes clean when you don’t need your makeup on anymore.
Eat your carrots
The tale that eating carrots improves your vision is true. Carrots are high in vitamin A, which is essential for the cornea to work properly. With vitamin A deficiencies, you run the risk of worsening your sight or becoming blind. It is unclear how much vitamin A you need to consume in order to stay on top of improving your vision, since everyone’s body chemistries are different.
Seeing is believing, so in order to see improvements in your eye health try these tips.
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