The Health Essentials to Pack for Air Travel
Trying to stay healthy while traveling can be difficult to manage, especially when you don’t know where to start, and especially when you’re flying. Keep your mind and body in check with these traveling essentials.
Cleansing basics
There’s nothing particularly healthy about airports and planes. Remember your hand sanitizer, cleansing wipes, and even some facial spray so you can feel refreshed at any given moment before, during, and (especially) after your flight.
Green juice
This juice isn’t just a trendy morning drink for health gurus and models, it’s a drink that is blended with antioxidants which work to improve the health of your skin and boost energy levels. Down one of these juices pre-flight to help ward off illness for smooth travels.
Neck pillow
Sure, you may look a little silly, but a good night’s sleep on a red-eye is plenty worth it. Investing in a neck pillow can make all the difference between a mediocre flight experience and one that flew by. (Pair it with a sleep mask for the ultimate snooze.)
Stay hydrated
The air in the cabin is notoriously dry, and for those who aren’t frequent travelers, it can sometimes slip your mind to pack things like moisturizer and nasal spray. Most importantly, though, remember to stay hydrated throughout the flight.
Light snacks
Unless you’re in first-class, those airplane meals and snacks are nothing but high in sodium and low in nutritional value. Pack your own healthy snacks (or even a low-maintenance healthy meal) from home that will sustain you throughout your traveling experience.