Tips for Staying Healthy on Vacation
Travel provides great opportunities to explore new cities, states, and even countries, whether you pack your itinerary full or simply see where each day takes you. However you do it, though, it’s important that you look after your well-being so you can enjoy your trip to the fullest. Follow these three important strategies to stay healthy and feel great on your vacation.

Keep close to your usual routine
Throughout your trip, it’s important that you don’t stray too far outside of your everyday routines since disruptions can ultimately be detrimental to your physical, mental, and emotional health. For instance, keeping up with daily habits like reading before bed or meditating in the morning will both provide some stability and make it easier to transition back into normal life when your vacation’s over.
One of the biggest ones to stick to, though, is your sleep routine. Getting insufficient sleep while you’re traveling could make you irritable and lower your energy levels, reducing your ability to have fun. Though you may need to adjust what time you go to bed and wake up on vacation, try to still get as many hours of sleep as you usually do to avoid interfering with your body’s circadian rhythm. If you’re traveling abroad, jet lag can make this more difficult, but exposure to the sun and a short nap when needed can help your body adjust more quickly to the new time zone.
Another key routine to stick to is your exercise regimen—you don’t want to neglect your physical health and end up regretting it when you get home. If your schedule is jam-packed, try doing a short version of your workout in the morning or evening. At the very least, get your body moving to keep up with your usual activity levels. A great way to do this is by walking. Though you may be tempted to order a taxi or rideshare, slip on your workout shoes and hit the sidewalks to explore your vacation destination instead. You could also consider adding a more strenuous activity to your itinerary, such as hiking along a nearby trail, swimming at your hotel, exploring the area’s museums, or biking down a boardwalk.

Be mindful of what you eat and drink
One of the best parts of going on vacation is getting to indulge in different foods and drinks, but it’s important to not go overboard. Traveling already takes a toll on your body, so try to stick relatively close to your usual diet to help keep it in balance. This doesn’t mean you have to cut out additional sweet snacks and bubbly drinks beyond your typical diet, but you should be a bit more particular about when and on what you choose to indulge. For instance, you could opt for a breakfast of oatmeal and fresh fruits, which is overall better for your digestive system, or eat a tasty salad or soup before your main dinner course so you’ll feel full and less tempted by carb-filled foods. These small choices throughout the day can help keep you feeling good during your vacation.
While traveling to your destination and throughout the length of your trip, it’s also essential that you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and eating water-packed foods such as fruits and veggies. It’s easy to get distracted by the activities and constant movement from one site to another, so be sure to carry a water bottle with you to ensure that you drink water consistently throughout the day. Watch for common signs of dehydration, including fatigue, dizziness, infrequent trips to the bathroom, confusion, and extreme thirst. Also, consider packing electrolyte powder or capsules that can help replenish your body’s nutrients in case you do end up feeling dehydrated.

Prep for the unexpected
Before you leave on your trip, make sure you fill any necessary prescriptions. You don’t want to run out of your medications while traveling, especially as it may be hard or even impossible to get a refill at a pharmacy that’s not your usual one. If you’re flying, consider packing them in your carry-on bag on the off chance that your luggage doesn’t make it to your destination. And if you’re traveling abroad, check that you’re up to date on your immunizations and vaccinations.
Though no one wants it to happen, accidents can also occur on any trip. You may want to pack a first aid kit filled with all the essentials, including bandages, aspirin or ibuprofen, antibiotic ointment, allergy medicine, and anything else you think you might need. It’s ultimately better to be safe than sorry.
Make the most of your time on vacation, and enjoy the break from your usual responsibilities. But be sure that you’re still looking after your well-being so you can truly appreciate all the fun your trip has to offer.