The Secrets to Successful Winter Workouts
Interview with Matt Ryan
Photos courtesy of Getty Images, unless noted
As chilly weather descends, you may find it more challenging to stay active.
Matt Ryan, personal trainer and owner of Heavy Mettle Fitness in Austin, Texas, explains how you can maintain your wellness during these months.
Would you describe your fitness training expertise?
My experience in the industry began at age nineteen when I started competing in natural bodybuilding competitions. I then launched Heavy Mettle Fitness in Austin, Texas, in 2019. As the fitness director and lead trainer, I am tasked with heading a team of expert personal trainers and offering exercise and nutrition services to our clients.
Our approach to training is mainly oriented around resistance exercises. But we personalize each client’s individual program to address their specific needs and goals and even provide them with a structured weekly workout routine they can implement outside our studio sessions.
How can someone determine the right fitness regimen for their body type and goals?
Start by assessing your current health and abilities along with your big-picture goals. From there, research which type of exercises will be most conducive to achieving them. For example, if someone wants to build muscle, lose fat, and improve their overall health, resistance training with weights would be ideal.
Why is it important to stay active in winter?
It’s actually important to stay active all year round. Going through cyclical periods of activity and nonactivity won’t help you achieve and sustain good health. Instead, you have to approach your fitness and nutrition regimen with the mindset of making it your lifestyle and not a short-term effort—like brushing your teeth regularly to maintain your dental hygiene. In other words, to be healthy, you have to live healthy.
Plus, achieving fitness goals simply takes time. So if you want, say, a toned physique for summer, working toward that in the wintertime will grant you a much higher probability of developing it versus starting on your six-pack four weeks before your beach vacation.
Why do many people struggle to stay motivated and active around the holidays?
I wouldn’t say people are less motivated to exercise this time of year, but I do think that added variables like travel and unpredictable schedules certainly complicate things. Outside factors that disrupt a routine can more easily disincentivize someone to adhere to their fitness and nutrition regimen. This is especially true for those who don’t like working out; very little can change that sentiment, but there’s a lot that can reinforce it.
That’s where a personal trainer comes in. We help those who lack the desire and drive to work out develop a plan that will enable them to stick to their routine—regardless of the circumstances.
How should people adjust their exercise regimen on cold days?
The exercises you do don’t need to be radically different from any other point of the year. But your body may take longer to warm up, so consider wearing warmer clothing during a workout, such as a hoodie with an athletic T-shirt underneath. Layered clothes will allow your body to reach and sustain a warmer temperature more efficiently, ensuring better blood flow to your joints and improving muscle activation. This will reduce your risk of injury and lead to a more effective workout.
You should also consider extending the duration of your warmup. For example, utilize bands for dynamic stretches or walk on a treadmill for ten to fifteen minutes before starting a weight training session. And remember that even though it may be colder outside, it is still essential to stay hydrated throughout your workout.
Another thing you can do to stay healthy throughout winter is maintain a high daily step count, which you can typically track on your smartphone. Keeping it elevated can help burn more calories and offset any lack of activity if you end up missing a workout due to bad weather or a busy schedule.
Holiday food can be a stumbling block for staying healthy. What advice do you have for this obstacle?
In addition to sustaining your normal fitness routine, be mindful of your food intake. This doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy your holiday favorites; having a slice of pie won’t completely derail your progress. Just be sure to balance them with the appropriate nutrients. We encourage our clients to consider the portions of the foods they’re having at the dinner table. After all, caloric intake is the main factor that affects weight loss or gain.
How do you personally maintain your fitness on cold days?
My favorite form of cardio is taking my dog for long walks or runs. So when it’s cold outside, we both need to bundle up. And if the road surface is slick, we’ll elect to walk for a longer period rather than run to avoid slips and falls.
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