How to Keep Your Immune System Strong
Whether you feel a cold coming on or want to put up your defenses for a new season on the horizon, these are some tips to keep your immune system healthy and strong.
How’s your nutrition?
Ask yourself this question if you find that you are getting sick often or if you don’t have a lot of energy and are feeling sluggish. Make sure you’re getting the proper amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as fruits, vegetables, and lean protein in your diet on a regular basis. Also, consider taking a supplement and read this blog for some important info.
How are your stress levels?
Things like getting enough exercise, fitting in time for relaxation, and reaching out to a friend or family member when you’re feeling especially stressed can all help keep you feel your best. If you need a bit more guidance on how to incorporate stress-reducing activities into your life, this blog will help!
Do you eat immune-boosting foods?
A general rule of thumb is to eat a wholesome diet, but there are specific foods to add to your repertoire that may give you an extra boost of wellness. Garlic, for example, has a compound called allicin that does just that. Vitamin-C-rich foods like oranges and broccoli are other ones to keep in mind, as well as berries and carrots which are full of antioxidants.
Do you get enough down time?
It can be easy to feel guilty for not doing enough, but there’s a lot of good that comes from taking time off—whether it’s an actual staycation or staying in instead of making plans. Take some time here and there to unwind. Try a guided meditation session, go to bed earlier, pick up a book, or try aromatherapy (essential oils such as lavender and eucalyptus can be especially beneficial to your well-being).
How active are you?
One of the hardest parts about exercise is doing it consistently, but more physical activity can greatly strengthen your immune system. It can be as simple as running up and down the stairs in your home and doing a 10-minute YouTube workout video or going outside for a jog in the morning. Whatever works for you, staying active does wonders for the mind and body.